Accueil » Projects » Spagyria study (2018)


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Study of the effects of space flight on the human body

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Cultivating our differences and drawing on our resources to create wealth…

Spagyria is a cross-border cooperation project which, through a network of specialised employment centres and research centres, aims to extend the growing of aromatic plants and their processing in the laboratory, as well as research into innovative processes through fully sustainable technologies for the development of natural cosmetic products.

This 4-year project (2018 – 2021) was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Projet Spagyria
Projet Spagyria

In detail…

Spagyria is :

  • A project that aimed to create a new production line for plant extracts for the production of environmentally-friendly cosmetics.
  • A solidarity project involving people with disabilities or integration difficulties, which will help to improve their employability and thus their quality of life.
  • A future ecological certification label (bio-handicap)
  • The capitalisation of experience and the economic development of the partners on each side of the border, both in terms of the growing and packaging of aromatic plants and for the extraction, manufacturing and testing processes.

    MEDES’s role in the project

    MEDES was involved in this project during the project design phase and then during a second phase for the practical implementation of the clinical study, once the phases for development and research into the active ingredients of cosmetics have been completed by the processing and treatment centres.
    The clinical study took place at the end of 2021.



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