Date :
State of progress :
Objective :
Development of an application to improve monitoring of chronic illnesses in children
Partners :
TiChroN aims to comprehensively address the problems identified in the monitoring, treatment and autonomy of children with chronic diseases, based on ICT and involving the sectors of society that regularly interact with these children.
The project provides children, families and caregivers with optimized tools for care and early action in case of the appearance of anomalies in their health status.
Project objectives
The innovative nature of the project is reflected in the different activities proposed, which place the patient at the center of the project:
- Analysis of the specific needs of the children and the actors surrounding them
- Design of ergonomic and interactive ICT tools dedicated to the target population (children, adolescents), used to technologies
- Creation of common and optimized protocols and training for all stakeholders involved
- Pilot study of the tools and test protocols in the 3 countries
- Analysis of results to define best practices
TiChroN aims to globally solve the problems identified in the monitoring, treatment and training of children with chronic diseases, based on ICT and involving sectors of society that regularly interact with these children.

Expected results
- New e-health benefits and services
- Improved qualification of healthcare professionals through the exchange of international best practice
- Cost and organisational savings through reduced errors
- Consolidation of international networks for the incorporation of e-health
- Development of the business network in the ICT sector, increasing competitiveness and economic activity in the SUDOE regions
Involvement of MEDES
MEDES has taken part in the development of tools to help monitor children with chronic illnesses, and in particular has developed 2 applications :
- Mobile application for children
This application is used to set up standard conversations designed by the project’s partner medical teams. It enables them to :
- Plan and evaluate physical exercise
- Assess the quantity and quality of sleep
- Assess the child’s blood sugar monitoring
- Assess children’s asthma monitoring
- Web application for medical teams
Designed for medical teams, the werb application makes it possible to :- Include the child in the monitoring programme
- Consult and export data entered by the child via the chatbot

The partnership
Main partners :
- The Health Service of Cantabria
- The Center for Information and Communication Technologies (CTIC)
- Future Balloons
- The University of Minho
- ACCOMIP-RéPPOP (Association for the Concerted Management of Obesity in the Midi-Pyrenees – Network for the Prevention and Management of Pediatric Obesity in the Midi-Pyrenees)
Associated partners :
- Federación Cántabra de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica
- Telefonica España S.A.U
- Consejería de Educación, Cultura y centros educativos, Red de escuelas promotoras de salud
- creSco – Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse
- University Hospital Center of Toulouse
- University Hospital Center of Coimbra
- Childhood Adolescence and Diabetes – C. H.U of Toulouse
The Tichron project is carried out thanks to the co-financing of the European Union and the SUDOE territorial cooperation program.
To learn more about the project :

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