MEDES sites
The MEDES staff is spread over 4 sites (2 MEDES sites and 2 external sites, at CNES and EAC, with seconded MEDES teams) to meet the various demands and stay as close as possible to the teams with which it cooperates in the field.
MEDES thus intervenes at the following sites:
The MEDES Clinical Research Centre: The Space Clinic
Located in Toulouse, on the campus of the Rangueil University Hospital, the Space Clinic houses the “Clinical Research” centre.
The permanent team mainly consists of medical personnel (doctor, nurse, nutritionist, etc.). This team can be strengthened on an ad hoc basis to meet the needs of clinical studies conducted there (under cooperation agreements with the university hospital).
The “Engineering Innovation” site and MEDES headquarters in Toulouse.
The team is made up of computer engineers (who develop e-health solutions) and biomedical engineers.
This site also hosts MEDES management, including its administrative and financial staff.
The ‘CADMOS Support’ site, located at CNES in Toulouse.
This site houses the division for ‘operational support for physiology experiments’.
MEDES provides a support team, working on the CNES site. The team consists of physiologists and biomedical engineers, and is specialised in biomedical experiments.